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Another essential read from you this morning Lou. Many thanks yet again. The artefact shared on FE Constellations last week spoke of grace as a spiritual WD40. I can't recall the exact sentence but the image of 'spiritual WD40' really stuck with me. I have often thought how 'spirit' is such a shunned word in the world of work and even education. Yes, really, taking spirit to mean energy, how we show up and interact is very much determined by our energy and how well woven / integral or ragged it is at any stage. Here is a quote from an Irish educator and revolutionary (in all senses of the word) from the early 20th Century. 'What education Ireland needed was less a reconstruction of its machinery than a regeneration in spirit' - we are very stuck on the machinery metaphor and the machinery does seem more than a little stuck - very much a job for the spiritual WD40.

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